Monday, September 1, 2014

Peeing in the Ficus tree

Sometimes I feel utterly alone.  Sometimes I'm surrounded by people and feel alone.  This doesn't happen often, but I'm thinking that it's when I have so much going on in my life that I can't focus on my surroundings.

Right now I have 10 photography sessions that I need to get done and edited.  I have end of the month to finish closing at work. Brian moved to his dad's, so my mothering skills are not needed at home.  I work so much that my marriage is will probably suffer. My mother's death is still heavy on my mind...maybe even more so since my diagnosis.  I've had a double ear infection for a few days, and I started my period this week. I also received two traffic tickets by highway patrol...same officer.  It's just been an emotional week.

 I've also come to the realization that we're not perfect. WHAT!?! Shocker, right?  We all sin.  We all fall short of perfection. Try it.  One day sin free.  You can't even do that.  You will lie, have impure thoughts, be envious, over eat, whatever.  We are sinners.  Do we disappoint God every day? How horrible!! God loves us anyway.  How about this: you walk through the living room to find your 3 year old son peeing in your artificial ficus tree.  You don't stop loving him.  You don't disown him.  This is how God feels when we sin.  As Christians we want to walk perfectly with God.  We don't want anyone to look at us and not be able to identify that we are Christians.  We don't want to be stumbling blocks for other people.  It happens.  We are NOT going to walk the walk perfectly.  We ARE going to be a stumbling block for someone.  It's comforting to know that God doesn't love us less during these times. We were are peeing in the ficus tree,  remember that God loves us anyway.

I reread this post...i'm a bit of a weirdo. :) Meh, who cares. No one reads this anyway.

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