Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Thrive...we shall see.

It's been a while since I've blogged, about a month.  I think this blog will actually be my Thrive Experience testimony.

My weight:  There was a time I was considered obese. I am 5'1".  I weighed 195lbs at my heaviest. My problem was that I ate crap food all the time, and quit exercising. I have talked about this in a previous blog, so we will skip ahead. I was always a runner. I love running.  I don't care for meat.  I don't like the tearing part.  I think meat feels barbaric on my teeth, and it's just not for me, so diets are really hard for me.  I wouldn't say that I battle with my weight.  I would say that I don't like my body.  Never have.  I think that is how most women feel. We will skip forward and talk about where I am at today.  Right now I stay between 145-150lbs.  I have been since probably September/October of last year. Even though I haven't gained any weight since losing 40 lbs last fall, I feel like I fell off the wagon.

My lifestyle:  Let's go back to almost 3 months ago. For this to make sense, you have to know a little about my day to day life. I would get up around 4:00am.  Sometimes I would lay in bed until 4:30 or 5:00.  I am a morning person, so most of the time 4am just worked for me.  I would get to work between 5-6am.  I could get a lot of work done before the doors opened, customers came in, and the phones start ringing off the hook.  I work in a very busy, high volume service department at a Ford dealership in Austin. I would leave work around 5-7pm.  There are days that I would work until 9pm just to get caught up on particular projects.  I was taking B12 for energy and still drinking a ton of soda.  My day consisted on one B12 first thing in the morning, a monster for breakfast, fast food for lunch, no dinner, and 6-10 sodas per day.  Remember that I also do photography on the side, so I would stay up until midnight some days editing photos. I would drink soda for the awesome pep that the caffeine gave me.  I love Diet Coke. I love the energy that a soda gives me.  I always drink Diet Coke because the sugar in regular soda makes me crash after a while.  So, there I was surviving off of caffeine and B12 most days, and going going going 18-20 hours per day. 

My friend Jana:  Where do I begin with this woman? She is a very active person.  She's a runner.  She has 4 kids and fostered more for years.  She goes to baseball games, works a job, manages a large household and has a fantastic body. Her legs are lean and toned.  Her arms are toned and not flabby at all.  She has a flat tummy, and tons of energy all the time.  Jealous?  Uh, yeah, me too. I've always been so jealous of her body and her energy.   One day, she was telling me about this product that she had been using.  It's called Thrive.  I am skeptical of EVERY thing.  I listened, but dismissed what she was saying because I'm not interested in buying stuff (sorry, Jana).  *wink*  A couple of weeks later she was telling me that this stuff really works, and that her husband had decided to try it.  Her husband and I both work an insane crazy amount of hours.  She said that he was really loving it.  We met a few weeks later for a sit down talk about Thrive.  She gave me a 4 or 5 days sample pack (I can't remember now).  It took me over a week to actually try it.  I didn't feel a difference.  She said that some people don't at first.  I read all over the internet on Thrive trying to find a reason not to try/buy it.  The only negative thing I could find was mostly from people trying the sample pack and not seeing a difference in energy.  I really thought that it was not for me. The more I read, the more I noticed that people who went a head and bought an entire month, and just jumped in were the ones noticing the difference.  After reading tons of blogs, forums, discussion pages, FB pages, Thrive experiences, I found that heavy soda/energy drinkers took longer to feel the effects.  I kept reading about all of these people that had their "wow day". I was having a hard time justifying spending the money on Thrive.  I added up how much I spend on soda and energy drinks.  I would get them out of our vending machine at work.  One monster ($2.50) and on average 7 canned Diet Cokes ($.75 each).  I was spending on average $7.75/day to stay alert all day and have energy.  Wow!  Lets say I was working only 5 days a week (yeah right).  At 5 days per week, I was spending about $155.00 per month on just soda and energy drinks. That was the deciding factor. I decided to go all in and just order an entire month of Thrive.

My Thrive experience:  I got my first order in.  Jana kept calling me.  She would say, "Have you tried it yet?'.  My answer was no for over a week.  She called (or texted) one day to say, "How can you have this awesome product in your mailbox and haven't even tried it?".  She was so excited for me to try this product.  So, game on.  Let's do this.  I took the two vitamins when I woke up, and slapped on my DFT (vitamin patch).  On day three I can remember not being able to sleep at all.  That can't happen because I only get about 4 hours of sleep at night anyway.  Day 4, same thing.  Day 5, I took the DFT off around 10pm.  I slept fine that night.  Maybe this stuff was working?  Hmmmm.  I also noticed on Day 5 that I had not had a soda all day.  If you know me, you know that is NOT normal for me.  I thought this was interesting.  My "wow day" was day 10.  I hadn't had a soda in 5 days, nor had I drank a monster for breakfast.  I just didn't need them. I was driving to work on Day 10, and said out loud, "I feel good.  Actually, I feel really good".  I was excited and ready for the day to begin.  That was when my Thrive Experience began. At some point I began wearing my patch through the night.  I did notice that I woke up easier.  I no longer had days that I would lay in bed for 30min to an hour hitting snooze.  I would describe Thrive as a game changer for sure.  My energy level isn't over the top like with sodas, or energy drinks.  My energy is level ALL day.  I am more alert, less tired.  There is no need for caffeine or energy drinks.  I have had maybe 3 sodas in the last 8 weeks.  I have been using Thrive for 10 weeks now.  I have missed one day of taking my vitamins and putting my patch on.  I will not be doing that again.  I remembered very quickly the tired me.  I love running, walking, and going to the gym but lost the drive to do it.  Three weeks ago I was talking with one of my daughters about walking at night, and we decided to just go. :)  We walk 20 miles per week.  We walk 4 miles per day, 5 days a week.  We love it.  I have the energy to actually do it!  I get home from a 14 hour work day, change my clothes and off we go.  I absolutely love this product and can't say enough about it.  I was very skeptical at first, but now, I'm hooked. I love the level energy that I have all day long.  I love that I pop out of bed at 4am.  I love that I have the energy to walk 4 miles per day.  So, this is my Thrive Experience so far.

People have actually seen a difference in my energy.  They have also noticed that I'm not getting a soda every 2 hours.  This was huge for me in particular.  I have 2 friends that have noticed a change in MY energy, and have recently ordered for themselves.  I'm ecstatic that I decided to "just give it a try".  A very special thanks to my friend, Jana for continuing to push me to go get my Thrive out of the mailbox. :) 

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