Friday, April 25, 2014

God will lead me.

     I don't know if I mentioned in my last blog that I met a veteran photographer.  I think he was just being nice, but he very lovely things to say about some of my photography.  It makes me nervous to have another photographer look at my stuff.  I start reevaluating my choices, my aperture, shutter speed for that shot, what the lighting was like, could I have posed the people differently, could I have told a funnier story to get them to laugh, the focal length chosen, the lens that I used...I just start doing that all over again (which is what I do while I edit as well).  Over the past few years, God has given me a more relaxed demeanor while I'm editing.  Any who, this guy, let's call him George for this blog.  So, George has really offered to mentor and help me.  I have shared all of my financials from last year, let him look at my work.  I have learned oh so much from him!  I just know God sent him to me to learn more stuff which I'm thrilled about.  I love learning more.  I will never know everything. Ever. And I'm okay with that.  I just want God to make my brain a little sponge to absorb as much as I can.  I am so very passionate about photography.  It's the most rewarding and fabulous job I have ever had.  Saying it's a job makes it sound like work.  It's work, but it's a pleasurable work.  I thoroughly enjoy it.  I still can't believe God gave this to me. :)

     After talking extensively with "George", and much resistance from me, I am going to restructure the pricing for Photography with Darla.  I'm a little bit of a worrier, so I immediately began questioning this.  What if my clients leave?  What if they go to someone cheaper?  What if someone gets mad?  What if no ever books with me again because they can get it done cheaper elsewhere?  Can I justify this jump?  The answers have answered themselves with help from friends, clients, and George.  I couldn't have answered these questions.  I am not confident enough in my work to do so.  God gave me the answers from other people's mouths.
What if my clients leave?  Then it's possible they aren't looking for the quality that I produce, just looking for a good deal.
What if the go to someone cheaper? They may just be shown that you get what you pay for, and return later.
What if no one ever books with me again?  several clients have voiced their opinions and they loved their session, and the results and will be back no matter what I charge.
Can I justify this jump? Yes. I most certainly can.  After figuring gas, props, lenses, camera maintenance, time editing, time to drive, time to shoot, time researching, webinars, and so much was brought to my attention that I made almost $6/hour.  Where in the world would I be willing to work for $6/hour?  Can I live off of $6/hour, only if I did 833 sessions per year.  Yes, that's an accurate number. This made me sad. 
     But wait, God tells us in Isaiah 41:10 Be not dismayed, for I an your God.  I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you.  I will uphold you with me righteous right hand. 

     Wow!  He is going to help me.  He's going to walk right beside me.  During my prayer time on the way to work this morning it was made more clear when God reiterated in my heart what he has very clearly told me before (I have told this beginning of that God story many times)  God sent me each and everyone of those clients.  I didn't advertise.  I didn't rent a billboard, take out an ad, nothing.  He just sent them.  Why do I fear that a price increase would change that?  God will still send the people.  He did not give me all of this wonderful photography stuff to see me fail.  He doesn't work like that.

     I will Let Go, and Let God.  I will wait for His lead.   I could get used to this blogging stuff. :)

Friday, April 4, 2014

It's been a while...

I'm not even sure where to start this.  I wrote my first blog shortly after getting my first DSLR camera. This is my second blog...3 years later.  Whoa, what a ride!!!  I am going to try this again. It would take me 3 weeks to update you on what all has been going on, so I'll keep the blogs minimal. :)  I will try to do all sorts of things, photography tips, God's gifts, my personal journey in life, business and such.   This will be a chance for you to get to know me.  I'll probably laugh, cry, and blog things that no one should know.  God kind of created me like an open book.  I have very few secrets...just how He made me.

Business:  The last 3 years have been a whirlwind. Since my last blog, I have grown so much.  God has really shown me and given me so much in the last 3 years. I  have doubled in sessions every year since I began this journey.  The last few months have been such a change in where I thought I'd ever be.  I had someone contact me and offer to do a website for me for free!! Are you kidding me?!? Awesome awesome people, and I'd highly recommend the people at Accelerated Web Studios.  Amy, one of the owners, took time out of her day to talk to me and even listen to my rambling.  I had been shooting newborns in my house in our spare bedroom, but I am excited to say that I have rented a little office space and now how a little studio!!  I am still in the process of decorating and such, but it's fantastic to have a space to use and to store all of my props and lighting.  I know that my husband is glad all of that is no longer at the house. :)
I remember that I prayed years ago that God would make me not proud or boastful.  Be careful what you wish for.  I feel like I have a hard time accepting compliments.  I am not willing to ask God to change my heart.  When people compliment my work, I simply tell them, "it's all God.  I am totally not that cool".  I'm not.  I pray before every session that God will have complete control over my camera, put me at ease, create a connection between me and the client, and provide the perfect scene.  He does that.   I prayed for this.  I want this.  I want to be a photographer.  I know that I still have such a long way to go.  I am sure thankful that I am a Christian and that God walks with me during these sessions, and He sits with me through the hours and hours of editing.   One day photography will be my profession.  One day I will quit my day job.  One day someone will ask what I do for a living and I'll be able to say, "I'm a photographer".

Personal:  My goal with this blog is to voice my thoughts, my feelings, my journey, and my faith.  I don't have many friends since I'm usually shooting sessions or editing them until super late at night.  I want to say that I've lost a couple friends during this journey of becoming a photographer.  Truth is, I've lost almost all of them.  I have 3 girlfriends that I have dinner with once a month to vent, laugh and cry with.  I have a best friend...I haven't talked to in a month or so.  We're both so busy.  It's tough, but I do find joy in photography.  I love talking to new people, getting to know them, sharing stories and such.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not a lonely cat lady or anything.  In the evenings my husband sits with me when I edit just to talk.  I enjoy our talks. I enjoy talking.  Period.  Which is very strange since I haven't blogged in 3 years. :)  Oooooopsie. 

Guess that's it for now.  I'm excited to start blogging again...
This blog will be all kinds of stuff.  Don't be scared. :)