Monday, June 24, 2019

Every. Single. Day.

hey hey hey!!!

We all change.  We all grow into our future selves, and away from our past selves.  I've blogged before about how each person choices are based on their personal experiences and perspective.
It's been a long time since I've just been silly.  I would have to say probably since my mom passed away.  Pranks, jokes, and silliness kind of became a thing I once was. Things became so serious in the last few years...probably 6 years.  I've been told not to blog about some things in last few years.  I will certainly respect that.  In my life, I have had to let go of several things, worries, mental luggage that I was carrying.  We each walk around picking up things and packing them in our suitcases.  It is not typically good things that we decide to carry around in that suitcase. 

Let go of things. 

So many views across the world, so much judgement from people, so much belittling, self-proclaimed righteousness... let it go.  you are holding yourself to a flame, backing yourself into a corner by carrying your negative suitcase, and relying on the world to make your decisions based on the current hot topic.  Puh-leez.  My kids are 17 and 25.  Did I have regrets? Oh yes.  Did I do it right?  "Right" is a matter of opinion, so I guess so.  I raised them one step at a time, one dilemma at a time, one laugh at a time, one craft at a time.  Period.  Nothing else matters.  That's what you get.  One day at a time. Yeah?  Seriously ponder that for a moment.  You only get one day at a time.  That's all you've ever gotten.  You can plan for what-ifs, but you cannot see tomorrow.  You are not guaranteed tomorrow.  You chose your mood, your reactions, your smile, your happy.  You chose!  Unpack that luggage of negativity, doubts, and regrets.  Unpack it!  You get right now. 

Friday that happened for me.  I decided to let go of the worries I have for the future, the losses I may or may not incur, the tears I may or may not shed, the goals I may or may not reach.  I let it go!  I chose happiness.  The sky outside are dark and pregnant with the promise of rain and thunder.  It's as if they represent the mood of luggage that people carry around.  I refuse to let that seem dreary to me.  I chose to be happy and smile through the rain.  Friday, I decided that one day at a time is what I get and I will try to hold on to that through each day.  I will try to remember that I get to chose happiness each day.  I get to chose to smile.  I get to close my eyes, feel God, and breath Him.  So amazing. 

Here's my challenge to you.  Feel good.  Feel happy.  Do a craft with your kids.  You do not get today back once it's gone.  Stand outside, close your eyes, and just feel God.  You are not a bellhop, quit carrying around luggage. You get today.  What one thing can you do today to make yourself smile?  Do it.  Quit carrying around your regrets of yesterday, and run through the fields!  One day at a time, chose happy.  It is completely your choice.  Be silly.  Dance in the rain.  Splash in a mud puddle today.  Have pie as an appetizer.  Smile.  Tell a dumb joke of the day to everyone you see. Instead of just saying hello to people, wave like you haven't seen them in a month (I do this to people at's fun.  They WILL wave back).  Be happy today, then be happy tomorrow.  One day at a time. 

Let go and chose happy. Every single day.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Enjoy your Lasts

Been a while since I blogged.  Pretty soon, I will have more time to do so.  Super excited about that.  There are some amazing things going on in my life!! I am so excited to just be living, traveling, and enjoying time with people in my life. 

What a wonderful treat this past year has been so full of adventure, laughs and friends.  I did a lot of traveling this year.  I did more traveling this year than I ever have in a year.  years ago, I decided that I was going to visit one place each year that I have never been before.  This year, I went to three! I went to Galveston five times (I visit there many times each year), Mexico - which was also my first cruise, Arizona for 10 days, weekend in Fort Worth, and also visited Port Aransas for the first time as well.  There are so many things to see all over this country.  I'm not really interested in amusement parks, wildlife reserves, or history museums.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to them, just know that I will not plan an entire trip around something like that.   I am more interested in adventures, experiences, even silly things.  In Port Aransas, my good friend Beth and I, walked to the end of the jetty, I wore a silly octopus hat, and we went to the candy store.  We were just silly all weekend.  We didn't do anything out of the ordinary, but we laughed and just hung out.  That's what I enjoy.  Seeing things, and enjoying people.  You can't replicate a trip with a friend.  You will never have the same conversations, experiences, etcetera.  Each trip, each adventure is new, no matter where you go.  I can't wait to see what 2099 has in store.  I would like to go to Georgia and see my sister.  I would like to go to Washington and visit my friend, Sarah (and see a Redwood tree that I can drive through).  Those are really my only two that I may go do.  well, Galveston is always a last minutes weekend trip several times a year.  Over Christmas, my kids and I would decided that we would like to go somewhere for Christmas next year instead of sitting around doing all of the usual  gift exchange, eggnog and board games.  We shall see!  I am so excited to do some more traveling!

It was a while back while planning one of my trips that my friend and I wandered into a conversation about Lasts.  Stay with me for a second.  A Last would be anything that never happened again...that was as clear as mud.  My apologies, kind of hard to explain.  You can't prepare for your Last in your life.  You do not know when you will pick up your child from school for the last time.  You don't know the last time you will feed them as babies.  You do not know the last time you will drive.  You do not know when your last kiss will be.  You do not know when your last dance in the rain will be.  You can't prepare for these things.  As your children become more independent (walking, cooking, driving, working, etc.)  you will have more and more Lasts.  As people in your life move on or pass away, you will have more Lasts.  You can't prepare for these.  There is really no way to predict or enjoy the last time you will drive your kiddo to school.  This  is a fantastic reason to travel, plans outings, make game night a thing, go for walks with friends of neighbors, go play Bingo, go do everything that you never did because you don't know when it'll be your last day to walk, fly, drive, or breathe.   Go.  Go do things.  Go see things.  Go see and do things with family and friends.  Enjoy your Lasts because you don't know when or where they will happen.