Sunday, January 3, 2016

Our memories go with us

Sometimes I think too much. I'm alone a lot, so I have plenty of time to think. We've all done it. We've all sat too long, dwelled on everything, anything too long. 
I plan to put my house on the market in the next few months. I am hoping to do so by this summer. I should be all healed up by then. Some people don't think so, but I refuse to be down that long. I'll shock everyone with how fast God heals me after the surgeries. Watch and see. Anyway...I need to clean stuff out. I really wanted to get it all done before the first surgery but that's next week.  Procrastination is a hobby of mine. *wink* I was going through some boxes in the guest room. I saw an album on top that I had never seen before. It was blue. My name was written at the top. The curiosity in me was overwhelming. I took off the rubber band that bound the album. The first group of pictures was a place I didn't recognize. I continued through the album recognizing people from my childhood. One person I recognized but have never met. He passed away before I was born. I continued to turn the pages only to see so many people that are gone. These are people who were my family. People who cared about me, loved me. I have no idea where this album came from. I was flooded with memories of these people, my family. There were only five people in the entire album that are still alive today. Five. Who will remember all of these people when I'm gone? Our memories go with us. I thought of my granny. My heart aches for her. These were her siblings, her aunt, her parents, her daughter. She wouldn't like me to spread any of her business...or to blog about it. I love her so much and I can't imagine what she has had to endure. Just looking at this one album has really tugged at my heart. I'll cherish this album forever. I still have no idea where it came from. I think my name written on the front is Granny's handwriting. I can't remember her ever giving this to me. Isn't it cool when God gives you things, or let's you see them? At just he perfect time. His time is always perfect. 
I'm the baby in the picture attached. My mother is holding me. Granny is behind mom. Grandma and grandpa (granny's parents) are to the left. And to the right of my mom is my uncle Rick. He was granny's brother. Only me and Granny left from this picture. I'm so thankful for my Granny. I have no idea where I'd be if it weren't for her. The greatest person I've ever known.